Signage Case Study: Successfully Navigating Multifamily Construction Projects

As your sign partner, it is our goal to save you time (and as a result, money) as together, we navigate the design and construction process. Here’s an inside look at how we’ve worked with a multifamily developer with multiple construction projects in the process, to keep their projects running smoothly, on time, and, most importantly, within budget. 

Generation Housing: Heritage Estates  


Generation Housing Developers is a developer, owner and property manager of multifamily and senior living developments. We have the pleasure of being their partner for all the signage and graphics needs for all their projects. Heritage Estates is one of the most recently completed projects.  

Located north of Austin in the unincorporated Wells Branch community, Heritage Estates is a beautiful, 174-unit independent senior living community. Its location is ideal, with close access to a highway, but tucked away just enough to create a peaceful, serene environment.   

Project Case Study 

Construction projects can be complex, with a lot of moving parts and pieces. Add to that the fact that there are multiple projects in the works at one time. Our team is diligent about staying in communication with our clients, every step of the way. At the onset of the Heritage Estates project, the client notified our team of the unique permitting and approval process we would have to navigate to complete this project.   

Wells Branch is in the middle of four jurisdictions: City of Austin, Travis County, Wells Branch MUD and Phlugerville Fire Department. Each of these entities must review and sign off on the project, but their requirements are not always in line with each other. For example, the original design for the monument sign was changed because the fire department needed the address to be displayed a certain way on the sign. 

Had FSGS not been involved early in the project, navigating the various steps for approval on this project could have significantly impacted timelines. Review boards are brought up during our review and discovery process, but we are

not always aware of those things until it’s too late. In this instance, the client brought it to our attention in the beginning so we could work with the architect and other review entities directly, making the process easy and efficient for everyone. 

Another benefit of working with our clients early on in the process is that we’re able to more accurately estimate costs and help keep the project within budget for our client. No two projects are the same. Although there are some repetitive steps, every project is unique. When we know our client’s budget from the start, we keep that at the forefront of our minds, every step of the way. 

Permitting is a given on any project, but how the process is managed can save our clients time and money in the long run. As part of our initial discovery period, we work to identify all codes and regulations that must be met for signs to be permitted. This step helps eliminate permitting hang-ups down the road. 


Here’s what Travis Barber, Design Associate at Generation Housing, had to say about his experience working with FSGS. 

“The level of communication from FSGS has been awesome. Jerod is always checking in to see where we’re at and make sure we’re still on track. Those check-ins go a long way. When our original design for our monument had to be changed because the fire department needed the address to be displayed a certain way, FSGS, was in the loop on that from the very beginning they were able to make the change quickly and seamlessly. We didn’t have to explain to them why, because they were in on it from the start.” 

“From a budget perspective, the sooner we can get actual costs, the better. Of course, some of that falls on our team to review and approve certain packages. In this case, we were able to do that quickly upfront. This gave us peace of mind that we were within budget. If we had waited until the very end, we could have come up short.” 


“Signage is always changing. Codes are always changing. To have someone available at the beginning to catch those changes and unique site requirements can be a huge time saver and money saver. Having someone up front to plan a project and help avoid any hiccups along the way has been really helpful.”  

We make it our job to simplify yours. To recap, here’s how we do it:

  1. We start the process early.  
  2. We put an emphasis on communication.  
  3. We plan for change.  
  4. We keep your budget in mind.  
  5. We do it all in-house. Planning, design, fabrication and installation. 

We cannot stress enough the importance of working with your signage partner early on in any construction or development project. Heritage Estates is a prime example of how timeline delays and added expenses were able to be avoided simply because we were in on the project from the beginning. What projects do you have slated for 2023? Contact us today and let’s discuss your signage needs! 

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